Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Word For Today Is: PAIN

Pain has taken over my life for the past 3-4 days. First I hurt myself weight lifting, then I got a tooth ache. So things have not been fun at all. Pain takes so much away from you, it is hard to think properly, let alone complete tasks. It makes you feel tired, and everything is confusing and very frustrating.

Weight Lifting
I have been doing weight training for a bit over two months. I am loving it, I have lost heaps of weight, and I am starting to develop some muscle. I will admit I didn't think I would like weight lifting. I don't particularly like big muscles on women. Yet I have found that it is not quite as simple as that. Basically I can choose how I am going to look by the types of exercises I do, and the way I do them.

Over the past few of days I have been writing myself a workout routine. It is my first ever attempt. Until now I've been learning different exercises, and using light weights to practice my form.

Creating a routine turned out to be harder than I thought. It is hard firstly because you need to take into account all of the major muscle groups, and try not to over do any one area. I made a classic newbie mistake, because I made a long hard routine, which of course hurt me so much that I haven't been able to lift weights for two days.

I have modified my workout now, and hopefully today I should be able to easily complete one circuit.

My Tooth Ache
The problem with my teeth is a small and simple one. It has been going on for weeks now, but the last couple of days have been unbearable. This tooth ache could be easily fixed if I had any money. I hate money so incredibly much.

I can't really eat or drink anything, which is probably adding to my state of confusion and exhaustion. So I am sitting here right now, tying to drink a coffee without sugar. It hurts even without the sugar, but I need something in me. I can handle many types of pain, but this is just nuts.

I should start a "fix my teeth fund", where people can donate money for me to get my teeth fixed. :)
The worst thing is, I feel horrible for complaining because my partners teeth are way worse than mine.

Dental health is a national problem, which you can see from the following; Dental health in decay, Figures highlight dentist shortage in Tas, Holes in dental health, Vic dental waiting lists hit five years, Sick to the back teeth.

Therefore we certainly are not the only people here in Australia with dental problems. The problems with the health system here do not end with the dental sector. I can't even get into see a G.P. here. I think that is disgusting.
Anyway enough of my rant for today. Have a good one :)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The view from the back of a police car

Riding in the back of a police car is not a pass time I usually involve myself in. However today I found myself looking at the world from that backseat. It is a very interesting view.
I wasn't in any trouble, a car had been parked over my driveway, and a lovely young Sergeant Fox offered me and my partner Daz a lift into the city.

Daz joked to the Sergeant that he should drive past the neighbors house a few times. He reckons they would shake their heads and say "See I was right about him, he's no good that one."

I will admit I have been in the back of a police car before, but I was wearing police issue jewelry and I was in a little more trouble. It was very different being in one for no reason.

I forgot for a while that we were in a police car. Suddenly the blue and white flashed in the reflection of a shop window, it was a very strange feeling!

It amazed me how many people looked at us like moral delinquents. I didn't notice it until we were driving into the city. Suddenly some people were straining their heads to see who was in the car.

It was fun riding in a police car for no reason.
Thank you Sergeant Fox for making my day way more interesting!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Veronica, you will be greatly missed

It has been exactly one month since Veronica died. She used to live next door to me, a lovely old lady, whom I always got along with really well. I felt a sense of happiness and peace for her when she moved on. Her last few years were certainly not happy ones. Veronica was 87 years old when she died.

There have been many occasions when Ronnie (as I always called her) and I would sit and chat. She was such a wise, and knowledgeable person. Yet over and over again I watched people not listen to her, not let her finish what she was saying. Yes it took her a long time to say things, but that didn't mean that what she said was irrelevant. To often we listen to the way something is said instead of what is said.

Ronnie shared with me many stories, stories of how her father looked after her when she was a little girl, he would by her dolls and dresses, and make sure that she always looked pretty.
She explained the dances they used to have in such detail, I felt as though I was there. She told me how the boys had to sit on the other side of the hall, and how the girls would giggle and joke about the boys, and how they would dance the night away. She told me about the dresses they would wear, covered in lace, and trinkets. Her daddy chose her an army man to marry. She said that he looked so handsome in his uniform. Stories of her girlfriends, and her family, where many.

Most of the other things that we discussed where current events. Yet I wanted everyone that reads my blog to know about Ronnie, that she was here, that she enriched my life, and now that she has moved on I hope that she has found the peace and love that she was searching for.
Thank you Ronnie!