Saturday, June 30, 2007

Your Are What You Eat

This morning Daz sent me an interesting link: What the World Eats. It has made me really think. Not only about privilege and wealth, but about health, and the effect of our eating habits.

It's disgusting that "the second leading cause of preventable deaths" in the United States is obesity. Yet on the other side of the world people are starving. Problems which could be solved if it wasn't for greed.

I have been wondering what other heath problems could be solved with a balanced and healthy diet? How many people would feel better simply by changing what they eat?

When you go to the Doctors unless you have a broken bone, a cut, or something similar, doctors give you drugs. They don't offer any other options (otherwise they wouldn't get kick backs from the drug companies; How Drug Companies Spin Doctors, Physicians and bribery, Drug Company Corruption Quotations).

I hope this article helps you think as well.
Which extreme do you fit into? The brightly coloured preprocessed packets of the American family, the burlap bag of the family from Chad, or somewhere in between?