Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's Important to Stretch

I talked last night about the importance of warming up and cooling down when working out, strength training.

Stretching is not the only type of warm up, cool down activity that you can do. You can ride a bike, walk, jog, or jump rope. Personally I like to jump rope, and use a fitness ball.
However it is important that you stretch as well as one or more of these other exercises. Stretching can help prevent an injury, and post-exercise muscle soreness, as well as improve your range of motion (ROM).

I do the same stretching set before and after a work out. I like to do the set backwards in cool down, to keep me concentrating, and I prefer to go from Lying to Standing before then, Standing to Lying afterwards. Each stretch I do is held for a count of 30, and it's really important to focus on the area your stretching while your stretching it. This seems to intensify the stretch.

My stretching routing looks like this: (If your unsure of any of the stretches follow the links)

Lying Down Groin Stretch

Lying Tuck
Sitting Groin Stretch

Ham String Stretch

Iliotibial Band Stretch

Golfers Elbow Stretch Level 1

Golfers Elbow Stretch Level 2

Tennis Elbow Stretch Level 1

Tennis Elbow Stretch level 2
Keeling Chest Stretch

Lat Stretch

Cat Stretch
Standing Calf Stretch

Soleus Stretch

Groin Stretch

Ham String Stretch

Quadriceps Stretch
Then the same but backwards for after my weight lifting routine.

If your would like to know more about stretching this is a nice document: Stretching and Flexibility - How to Stretch.
I love how fit, and healthy I'm feeling now. I have so much more energy and I feel great. Good luck, have fun, and stay healthy :-)


Stretching Guy said...

great advice.... you offer some very helpful and worthwhile tips!