Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A litre of yogurt for $1

I wrote a post in July talking about my yogurt maker. At the end of the post I commented on wanting to learn to keep the yogurt cultures going, then I could make my own yogurt, without having to buy the $3+(AU) sachets.

After a bit of experimentation I've done it. I can make a litre of yogurt for about $1(AU), and it's really easy to do:

Powdered Milk
Filtered Water
45ml of Yogurt


  1. Mix up 1 litre of powdered milk; following the instructions on powdered milk packet.
  2. Place milk and 45ml of yogurt in the yogurt maker jar and shake well.
  3. Place jar in yogurt maker, filled with boiling water for 6-12 hours.
  • You can use ordinary milk out of a carton, I suggest boiling it to take out any impurities, also it will cost more than $1 for your yogurt.
  • I find using a little less powder than the powdered milk packet suggests, makes the yogurt taste better.
  • The yogurt can be any type you choose, the idea is to cultivate the yogurt cultures you desire. I chose to use the yogurt that I created using a sachet from: Easiyo