Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sick and tired...

I just "love" being sick, my energy is so drained that moving seems almost impossible. I feel as though I falling behind on all my plans, and activities, as if I wasn't already far enough behind.
I guess I shouldn't expect any different; after all I haven't slept or eaten properly for a while now. Therefore my immune system is not exactly up to par. My partner is way worse than I am, he can barely sleep or eat as his throat is almost completely closed over.

To who ever thought that it was necessary to go outside and spreed your germs around: congratulations. You have infected at least two people, well done!
I don't understand your actions. I don't understand going out and passing around illnesses, yet it seems like it is the done thing, around Launceston at least.
Hopefully we'll be feeling a little better soon, (I've only been saying that for 4 days now).

I want to move out to the country, I'm sick of city life.
I want to be outside in the fresh air, away from all of the sheeple, spreading their germs, reacting, and following the man. Away from the shops telling me to buy every few minutes, away from the lights, the smell, the pollution, the disorder, the vehicles, the mess, the litter.
I just want to be in silence for a while, I want to go outside and lay on the grass and stair at the stars, I want to breathe the air from the trees. I want to grow a garden, have a compost heap, have chickens, and other animals. I want to feel the dirt beneath my finger tips, and know that I've done a hard days work.
Oh to taste freedom of the country again...